**Considerations for starting a second practice**

In this article we’ll go through the considerations for starting a second practice.   Timing (Financial Considerations):   Profitability and revenue of your existing practice: Your first practice SHOULD be profitable from a BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE AFTER YOU DRAW YOUR 40%. Roughly 1 million in revenue is ideal as you should have a profit percentage of…

**Service Fees and Income**

**Service Fees and Income** This article is directed at prospective owners rather than experienced owners. Through our consulting business we often get asked why there is a difference between the income figure on the profit and loss statement vs the income (or total billings/receipts) from the practice management software. Often, prospective owners go as far…

**Profitability Update**

**Profitability Update** The dental industry, like many others, is not immune to the effects of inflation. There is a need to produce more income in order to maintain profits. We’ve posted an update on one of the most important slides from our start-up and buying seminar below. It shows target profitability at different levels of…