**The Lease Offer**

**The Lease Offer** You’ve found an excellent area to start-up in and tenancy to lease. Now what? The landlord or its agent will provide a lease proposal or heads of agreement. This covers the key terms of the lease and is negotiable. However, it is important to note that any lease proposal or heads of…

**Associate buy-in & Corporate offers**

Associate buy-in & Corporate offers This is an interesting and somewhat controversial topic. The scenario typically unfolds in the following manner. A dentist owner nearing retirement starts to think about selling their practice. They ideally want their associate dentist to buy-in for a share of the practice or to purchase it outright. However, the owner…

**The Haggle**

The Haggle  When we purchase items such as a television or a car we all want to feel like we got the best deal possible. It is disappointing when we find out our friend got a better deal on that new television or that new car. People try to translate this over when purchasing a…