Post 3: Piles, Footings and Steelwork Installation  

Hi, welcome to our third of several blog posts detailing the construction of our brand new purpose built dental facility. Much progress has been made since the previous blog post and the momentum onsite has certainly picked up. We have completed the groundworks, site shaping and rock base along with the piles, footings and steelwork being installed. We can finally see the outline of what will be the new home for Raceview Dental.  Optima Healthcare Group are keeping us well informed with a time lapse camera on site and regular updates (see photos below). We also thank Optima for accommodating our request to pour the first footings for the surgery.

It was surprising seeing the efficiency and precision with which the steel framing was installed by the builders. Within the space of 1 week the majority of the steel work was installed. It is always good to see such productivity and clockwork proficiency and gives us immense faith that Optima will deliver an excellent result on time and on budget.